Hon. Vice-president, Minister Masuta,

When we first requested this meeting, we specifically mentioned that its purpose would be to commence with talks regarding the Boer-Afrikaner People’s rightful claim to territorial self-determination.

On behalf of the Volksraad and all those citizens who regard us as their representatives in this issue, we express our sincere gratitude for this opportunity to meet with the Government to discuss this subject.

The Volksraad accepted the agenda proposed by you for this meeting. We shall assume that you are acquainted with the motivation for our right to self-determination, as stated in the documents presented by the Volksraad to the Government. I shall therefore skip a detailed motivation of our premises — unless required by you* — and we will conclude these introductory remarks, by tabling a proposal.

The discussions that will follow will then offer the opportunity to raise questions and any issue in this regard.

I trust that we shall be able to keep these discussions today more on a conceptual level and refrain from descending to the detailed practicalities. The details can be dealt with at the appropriate time.

Our fundamental premise is that

  • An unsurpassed injustice has been committed against the Boer-Afrikaner People, that calls to be rectified.
  • This people has a vested and inalienable right and desire to rule itself in its own territory; and
  • we require that this right be satisfied by way of a peaceful and legal process.
  • The right of fellow citizens who do not wish to identify with this claim, is respected, and they must be permitted to freely exercise another option as regards their constitutional association and their destiny. Their choice may not, however, restrict this claim and its satisfaction in any way, just as this claim will in no way be binding on them.

    We are aware that there are people who view the idea of territorial self-determination very negatively. To us it is the pursuance of a long standing tradition, during which several land barter transactions were concluded between Boer leaders, African tribal kings and various paramount chiefs.

    Any sound concept can be poisoned by attaching wrong or distorted connotations to it. Unfortunately it also happened with the issue under discussion, due to past utterances and conduct — possibly on both sides.

    You and we should, however, look past these antagonistic perceptions and problems, and we should deal with this issue with great responsibility. Our calling in life is to build, not to be destructive; to be sincere and generous, not small-minded.

    History teaches us that an idea and aspiration like this never dies, nor can it be suppressed indefinitely. In fact, ignoring it leads to increased resistance and animosity, which ends up in growing tension and conflict in the state, which is to the disadvantage of all.

    I may add to this that nations that freely live their life and develop to their full potential according to their unique nature and character, bring prosperity and stability not only to those states, but to the whole region.

    We say this, fully aware that the Boer-Afrikaner people whom we represent, have been deprived of the usual worldly means of power on which parties rely to enforce their will. We enter these talks nevertheless with confidence in the right of our cause, and with trust in the Almighty God, who determines our destiny.

    An exceptional opportunity has now crossed your and our way — an opportunity to turn history for the better and to co-determine and confirm International Law.

    Let us demonstrate the necessary greatness of heart and spirit to avail us of this opportunity. Only pettiness, craving for power and political prejudice can cause it to fail — not legal restrictions, for acts and constitutions are made and amended by man to conform to the ever evolving requirements of nations and states.

    Of course, we accept that stumbling blocks and tough problems will be encountered, because this is a highly challenging issue. However, all of us are gifted with sufficient intellect to solve each and every one of such problems by applying imagination, will-power, wisdom and a sound attitude.

    We want to assure you that we offer our cooperation to follow a due process, whereby the issue of freedom for the Boere-Afrikaner nation can be resolved. We are convinced that this road can provide an example of statesmanship to the world – a world that is also very much aware of the history of the Boere-Afrikaner nation, and its ideals of self determination and freedom.

* Die leier van die Regering se afvaardiging het vervolgens versoek dat die Volksraad wel die besonderhede en motivering vir ons aandrang op vryheid voordra, waarop die kernpunte soos vervat in Die Boere-Afrikanervolk se eis om Selfbeskikking aan die vergadering voorgedra, en  ‘n Engelse vertaling van die volledige dokument aan hom oorhandig is. Tewens is die totstandkoming van die Volksraad Verkiesing Kommissie (VVK), hul werksaamhede en die Volksraadsverkiesing wat gehou is, aan die vergadering verduidelik.

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